Contestación de las Sociedades Europeas implicadas en Oncología al escrito de ESMO publicado en Annals of Oncology en Enero 2014

Still a long way to go to achieve multidisciplinarity for the benefit of patients: commentary on the ESMO position paper (Annals Oncology Jan;25(1): 9‐15, 2014)   [icon name=”external-link” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] […]

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Correlation between clinical findings and magnetic resonance imaging for the assessment of local response after standard treatment in cervical cancer

Izaskun Valduviecoa,∗, Albert Biete a, Iván Riosa, Ricardo Llorentea, Angels Rovirosaa, Jaume Pahisab, Laura Vidal b, Blanca Farrúsa, Pilar Samperc a Radiation Oncology Department, Institute of Haematology and Oncology (ICMHO), […]

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  Educational Series – Blue Series Cancer cell resistance mechanisms: a mini review S. Al-Dimassi , T. Abou-Antoun & M. El-Sibai Abstract    Full text HTML    Full text PDF   EDUCATIONAL SERIES—RED […]

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